Slight change.
Image of the Day - Daily
Extra Content - Thursdays(*)
Erotic Reviews - Friday
Erotic Fictions (original) - Saturday(**)
Erotic Fanfictions - Sunday
(*) - Pending as to whether there's any bonus content to be had for the week or not.
(**) - Rotating schedule of three different fics run at a time.
Going to rotate Sakura Blossoms' weekly fic to Thursdays btw.
Another note? Hope to start the special Olympics themed images next week sometime (depending on several factors of course). Keep an eye out for updates as they come in. Who knows? I'm thinking of also putting together a sports themed issue of Eros2Go with sports erotica reviews! How's that for extra content? (Issue Three is going to be the sports themed issue once we get Eros2Go back up and running once again!)
There, I can't think of anymore updates so hang tight and in 24 or so hours I should have a fresh Misty fanfic for you (but I still have a 2 day grace period in the challenge just in case I need it!)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Oh, Publisher Update
Managed to find one publisher who might be a new home for's series... half of it at least (Erotic Fiction series), but I'm waiting now to see if they might consider judging Hentai Review Poppers Edition for possible publication.
As for Eros2Go? It's a long shot they might become the new epublisher for Eros2Go but I pitched it anyway and waiting to see the results with that.
As for Eros2Go? It's a long shot they might become the new epublisher for Eros2Go but I pitched it anyway and waiting to see the results with that.
Erotic Countdown To The Beijing Olympics
Celebrate... I guess if you want to call it celebrating... the coming of the 2008 Beijing Olympics (and the Olympics itself) with an erotic image a day themed just to the Olympics. It's starting soon (I'll post here when we're about to begin so starting day of the images is soon! Stay tuned for updates!)
Tomorrow Is Chapter 2 of Misadventure in Masturbation
Should finish writing it by the time Sunday rolls about.
In the meantime last week's chapter has appeared on Sakura Blossoms (a repeat of the fics appear on Sakura Blossoms on Saturdays). In the meantime new fics exclusive to Sakura Blossoms should appear soon (in August) though I haven't picked a date yet. (Stay tuned for updates).
In the meantime last week's chapter has appeared on Sakura Blossoms (a repeat of the fics appear on Sakura Blossoms on Saturdays). In the meantime new fics exclusive to Sakura Blossoms should appear soon (in August) though I haven't picked a date yet. (Stay tuned for updates).
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friday's Erotic Review : Taboo District
Icarus Publishing’ Taboo District
4 Bold & The Beautiful Incest Relationship References out of 5
Ah, the Bold & The Beautiful. Cannon fodder every few months for reviews.
I think it’s safe once again to bring up a certain psychatrist from the show since, well, it’ll probably be Summer or Fall 2008 before this comes close to seeing print so… go figure.
If it isn’t the psychiatrist who runs over people with her car (only weeks later to be run over by an oil tanker), it’s the hot manmeat family relation male on skanky throw thyself at the guy like you’re nuts female incest that doesn’t seem to leave the runway because the father is Ye’ Impregnator of Los Angeles (you too can own both the clothing and offspring of Ridge Forrester!) (I’m behind on the weird monkeyshines at the end of 2007 but I heard it’s all Baby Nonsense).
Long story short this month’s pick from Icarus Publishing is something about incest… but only somewhat, as it seems my one problem with this title is that it also dabbles in the NOT so taboo things.
A good chuck of Taboo District is really taboo content, believe it or not. However if there is another flaw in this title is that the taboo is fixated only on loving brother and sister consensual sex, and that’s about it.
No Cecila hot motherly sex (M.I.L.F. I think it would be referred to as).
No sister on sister sex… no, I don’t think I would swing the other way (mostly because there is a ton of gay erotica (and a lot of recommendable stuff that doesn’t disgrace the genre) out there and a near drought of lesbian erotica to speak of, so they have more than sufficient representation out there in my opinion).
No creepy father/daughter sex… well, that’s OK I guess.
And yes, no cousins (but that’s criticism of another soap, mainly the 70 year old Guiding Light).
And if you are wondering there IS some school sex, but it doesn’t have that Innocence oh god what a lovely couple feel to it.
One is a young woman getting it on with her guidance counselor for a better placement on her road to college.
One is a young woman manhandled against her will.
And one is a threesome of female students on one shy male (which is kinda nice except none of them seemed willing to take their tops off).
Also, as more of a warning than a downer, be advised that SOME of the stories cuts off abruptly just as the story starts to roll along well. For instance in one story, where a sister wants her brother to help her experiment on things she read in magazines, we get right up to them consenting to full out sex only for the scene to cut abruptly and the story end quickly. Just as the story got good it ended fast, which might not be your cup of Earl Grey (hot).
Finally, in closing, a few of the stories could have been replaced with more taboo stories.
A story about nurse on patient sex? Is that really all that taboo considering I’ve done some reviews to date of nurse on patient sex titles? Come on, it isn’t all that taboo (at least in the telling if not in the practice since we’ve done abit of reviews of the topic to date). How about female cops being raped by jerks? Again not so taboo since it’s a topic we’ve seen before, so can that really be all that taboo if we’ve seen it before?
It’s a solid enough read, yes, it’s just not perfect.
The brother on sister stuff is cute (even one rare older sister making love to her younger brother (but not THAT young, it‘s still all proper age limit and all here), but the additional stuff that isn’t all that taboo isn’t cute (in that it’s OK but we could have had more “taboo” content). Cutting short of a few stories’ sex scenes wasn’t nice, but overall it’s still a nice well rounded packet of sex scenes and story.
Thus in the end? I was more pleased with the content of the title than disappointed, it’s just not perfect.
Taboo District rallies in the end for 4 cuddly brother/sister lovings out of 5.
4 Bold & The Beautiful Incest Relationship References out of 5
Ah, the Bold & The Beautiful. Cannon fodder every few months for reviews.
I think it’s safe once again to bring up a certain psychatrist from the show since, well, it’ll probably be Summer or Fall 2008 before this comes close to seeing print so… go figure.
If it isn’t the psychiatrist who runs over people with her car (only weeks later to be run over by an oil tanker), it’s the hot manmeat family relation male on skanky throw thyself at the guy like you’re nuts female incest that doesn’t seem to leave the runway because the father is Ye’ Impregnator of Los Angeles (you too can own both the clothing and offspring of Ridge Forrester!) (I’m behind on the weird monkeyshines at the end of 2007 but I heard it’s all Baby Nonsense).
Long story short this month’s pick from Icarus Publishing is something about incest… but only somewhat, as it seems my one problem with this title is that it also dabbles in the NOT so taboo things.
A good chuck of Taboo District is really taboo content, believe it or not. However if there is another flaw in this title is that the taboo is fixated only on loving brother and sister consensual sex, and that’s about it.
No Cecila hot motherly sex (M.I.L.F. I think it would be referred to as).
No sister on sister sex… no, I don’t think I would swing the other way (mostly because there is a ton of gay erotica (and a lot of recommendable stuff that doesn’t disgrace the genre) out there and a near drought of lesbian erotica to speak of, so they have more than sufficient representation out there in my opinion).
No creepy father/daughter sex… well, that’s OK I guess.
And yes, no cousins (but that’s criticism of another soap, mainly the 70 year old Guiding Light).
And if you are wondering there IS some school sex, but it doesn’t have that Innocence oh god what a lovely couple feel to it.
One is a young woman getting it on with her guidance counselor for a better placement on her road to college.
One is a young woman manhandled against her will.
And one is a threesome of female students on one shy male (which is kinda nice except none of them seemed willing to take their tops off).
Also, as more of a warning than a downer, be advised that SOME of the stories cuts off abruptly just as the story starts to roll along well. For instance in one story, where a sister wants her brother to help her experiment on things she read in magazines, we get right up to them consenting to full out sex only for the scene to cut abruptly and the story end quickly. Just as the story got good it ended fast, which might not be your cup of Earl Grey (hot).
Finally, in closing, a few of the stories could have been replaced with more taboo stories.
A story about nurse on patient sex? Is that really all that taboo considering I’ve done some reviews to date of nurse on patient sex titles? Come on, it isn’t all that taboo (at least in the telling if not in the practice since we’ve done abit of reviews of the topic to date). How about female cops being raped by jerks? Again not so taboo since it’s a topic we’ve seen before, so can that really be all that taboo if we’ve seen it before?
It’s a solid enough read, yes, it’s just not perfect.
The brother on sister stuff is cute (even one rare older sister making love to her younger brother (but not THAT young, it‘s still all proper age limit and all here), but the additional stuff that isn’t all that taboo isn’t cute (in that it’s OK but we could have had more “taboo” content). Cutting short of a few stories’ sex scenes wasn’t nice, but overall it’s still a nice well rounded packet of sex scenes and story.
Thus in the end? I was more pleased with the content of the title than disappointed, it’s just not perfect.
Taboo District rallies in the end for 4 cuddly brother/sister lovings out of 5.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Eros2Go Content Schedule
Image of the Day : For Eros2Go Issue Two
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thank You Jessica McDevitt!
If I haven't said this enough I want to make sure to give thanks where it's due, mainly our present Graphics Assistant Jessica McDevitt! Thank you for all your help with all the images we use each and every day for many epublications and these blogs! Thank you very much! (Also a big thanks to all the internet sites from which the images are sourced from! thank you each and every one of you!)
Getting Sakura Blossoms Back Up And Running
By August I hope to have a regular diet of erotic image posts and fanfictions for you to check out at Sakura Blossoms by August at the earliest. Stay tuned to the blog (I'll post the link here in the links section) for more info!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Misty Erotic Fanfic : Misadventures in Masturbation Chapter 1

Misadventures in Masturbation Chapter 1
“Admit it. You couldn’t even think of calling without the first words out of your mouth…”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I said I’m sorry already.” Misty grumbled into her cell, knowing what was coming.
“…was how was the Gym, how are the Poke’mon. Did I feed the Seel this, did I remember to check on the Magikarp, what’s the Poliwags doing, how’s the Rhemoria doing… right?”
“I’m not that single minded.” she hissed under her breath, trying her best to stay calm. “I only asked because…”
“I’m your stay at home hubby while mommy has to earn a living as a great big wonderful Poke’mon Gym Leader, oh fearless Misty… yeah, yeah, I know.” (she could almost hear her smiling over the phone) “Now are you going to be a good girl and put on that live vid feed on your phone so your beloved can watch (and record for posterity’s sake) her beloved take her clothes off and masturbate her steamy lovely little furry bushel of love right before her needy ey---”
“FAITHE!!” she nearly cried out, gritting her teeth at the thought. “I will, I will, but do you have to be so straight forward about it? I mean come on!”
“You’re a grown woman now, Misty my love, no need to be shy about your sexual urges.”
“No need for you to be so high maintenance.” Misty countered, her free hand gingerly plucking open the buttons on her gym leader’s uniform. “I can’t believe you got me a copy of my old traveling clothes for pajamas! It isn’t exactly bedtime wear… well, until you laced it all in that soft fabric that makes it feel too good to wear for anything but bed that is.”
“Honey, dearest, considering what you “wore” in your youth it’s a wonder your virginity wasn’t taken until our wedding night a year ago!” Faithe rallied, “I mean short short and that little top? Damn, you were total sexy before you were…” (the phone fades out for a few seconds, only to come back again strong) “…damn. Anyway what are you doing right now? Spare me nothing! Tell me everything!”
“…well…” Misty said, lying the phone to one side so she’d had two free hands. “I’m lying on a outdoor sunbathing chair catching some rays, wearing the teeniest tiniest bikini…”
“Like in that picture from your younger days?”
“Yes, like THAT.” Misty growled, “How the hell did you get THOSE I have no idea (I can’t even say I’d want to know who you got them from). But yes, only I’m taller now, bigger, more mature…”
“But enough about your tits, tell me more about you.”
Misty’s face darkened, “If I didn’t love you so I’d hang up on you.” (sighs as she tries to regain her composure) “Well I’m lying decked out in the sun, the light shining over my lightly oiled form as I…” (her fingers pull away her top until she tosses the heavy uniform to one side, lying back into her position fingering her silk bra with eager touches of her fingers, slowly feeling her nipples harden under her focused attention. “…slowly begin to warm up to taking my top off, exposing my ample breasts to you my lover, nipples hardened just waiting for a lover’s lips to grip them tight and milk them steadily.”
“I like that! I like that! Tell me more!”
“Well…” Misty thinks, her fingers still gently dancing over her breasts tantalizing herself as her lover listened spellbound to her every word. “…the gentle swaying of the boat is getting me in the mood as I prepare myself before submitting my flesh for your pleasure. Body aching to be unbound, yearning to feel sexual release before your wanton gaze. Your mouth watering as you drool over what you can already see before you, need overtaking us slowly but surely…”
“So you’re totally in your cabin waiting for the rain to come down, right? Because the weather report said the storm was going to rage for awhile and all ships (including yours) are being held in wait out at seas until it’s safe to make landfall during a major hurricane.”
Misty ;sighed miserably as her gaze turned to one side, even as she stood up to place her cellphone in place, seconds later stripping away her working pants. “I can’t believe you still love these little shorts.” she muttered, slipping her old familiar former adventure shorts on before climbing back into bed. To one side, the object of her gaze, the heavily shuttered barrier that covered what used to be the sliding glass doors that led to the private sunning balcony overlooking the ship’s deck. Because of the storm all outward windows were now shuttered, with a holographic realtime feed of outside conditions being displayed with the scrolling text “Due to the storm conditions outside, all access to the deck is restricted only to crew and emergency staff. All passengers please stay within the ship and keep monitoring the weather link for updates.”
As she turns her phone’s visual link on, she lays back into the bed snapping her bra open, fingers plucking and tugging at her nipples as they stand perk and hard at the top of her breasts. “I can’t believe I actually wore the damn things to the four corners of the Earth like they were the height of fashion… god how many perverts got a hard on just watching me walk with those things on…”
“Are you getting hot?” Faithe sighed, “Just watching you play with your titties while looking at those hot shorts on your ass is getting me hot… mmmm…” (a barely audible moan fills the phone speaker) “…oh my I’m already wet just staring at your half nude body… oh baby… look at me!”
Misty turns her head catching a glimpse on her phone screen of Faithe’s spread legs, her hot pussy beginning to juice as her love begins to finger herself. “I’m already going at it just thinking of you.”
“More than just thinking.” she responds, moving so she could pull her shorts up her legs, baring her own pussy to her love. “I wish I was in your arms right now, love…” (shrieks) “…oh goddess my cunt’s so sensitive… fuck I could cum right now…”
“No! No!” the phone cried, Faithe’s fingers slowing down, “Don’t cum without me! Don’t!”
“I won’t… I won’t…” (Misty pants harder and harder, her fingers slowing to a steady rhythm, keeping pace with her lover watching her signs as she slowly brought herself towards her brink). “Goddess don’t dally though, I gotta cum… cum with you… cum.”
Misty shut her eyes tight, teeth clenched as she rolled back and forth in her lust, sweat dripping all along her mostly nude form. Her shorts stretched, her legs pulling wider and wider apart kept this close only because her little shorts pulled down to her knees. Her fingers dug in, alternating between stroking, rubbing her nub in quick spinning circles, and finger banging her pussy.
Her thoughts, fevered, remembered…
* * * * * * *
It was while camping during a trip to find new water Poke’mon that they first made love. Already an item, and soon to marry, the moment Faithe crawled into Misty’s sleeping bag naked she knew they were going to be making love before the night was done. Hot and fevered lovemaking gripped them, Faithe’s fingers feverishly stroking her love’s cunt even as her thugh humped and stroked along Faithe’s pussy in turn. The two were gripped in each other’s grasp, held tight as their sexes climbed higher and higher towards release… cunts moist with pre-cum, bodies dripping with sweat, release imminent.
But still, despite the privacy of Misty’s tent, she didn’t want anyone else to know what they were doing so she clamped her mouth down on Faith’s shoulder biting down hard to muffle her screams as her body shuddered near her orgasm. Moving her hand to hold Misty tight, Faithe’s thigh slid in place humping her love’s cunt as her own thigh did in turn, fluids running as Faithe gritted her teeth, crying out in her mind “We’re cumming!! We’re cumming!!”
* * * * * *
The sound of fabric tearing broke Misty’s concentration as her fingers brought her to release, her ass humping up to the air as her cunt came and came in splurts of love juices over and over again. Her scream filled the silence as Faithe’s own cries of release joined her’s in unison. Both women cumming together, despite the miles that separated them, two pussies cumming as one.
As Misty finally kicked away the shorts, spreading her limbs out spread eagle, her breath rasping in her ears hard, she heard Faithe rasp “Goddess that was good.”
“Not enough.” Misty hissed, “I want more.” she groaned, “When I’m feeling it again I want to cum again… and again… goddess…”
“Let’s make a game… of it.”
Misty rolls over to look at the phone screen. “What?”
“Let’s… imagine… little stories while cumming… masturbation tales…”
Misty smiled a little, “Think you’re better than me? Like that?”
“No offense but…” Faithe coughs a little as she rolls to her side, “…you’re not the most… imaginative girl… I’ll show you…” (blinks) “Oh, and you bit like a girl… the first time.”
“Oh shut up.” (Misty rolls herself into her blankets, feeling the soft silk smother her sensitive skin. “Goddess just doing this I could cum.”
“Not without me, lover.”
Suddenly the thought of telling erotic tales to masturbate to didn’t seem like such a queer idea. In fact it was beginning to sound better and better by the minute.
To be continued.
Alright! Picked a storyarc for the Week!

Misadventures in Masturbation
I'll finish the first chapter today (i.e. tomorrow once I sleep).
Misty is on her way back to the Cerulean Gym and her lifemate (who is a "stay at home" mate while Misty travels as a Gym Leader). Stuck on a cruise ship while waiting for a major hurricane to pass she and her lifemate swap sex stories over their cellphones while masturbating, missing each other dreadfully but making the time pass by helping each other get off to get over the loneliness.
First part of the story is coming in some hours from now (as I meet deadline).
Chapter 2 is coming Friday, with Chapter 3 due by Sunday.
Stay tuned as the first chapter comes up shortly.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Misty Erotic Fanfic Update
Erotic Review : Original Bondage Fairies Volume 2

I’ve seen this here and there on the web, so I knew what I was getting into when I first reviewed this sometime back (Hentai Review Poppers, that review appearing later on in this issue). However it wasn’t until it got a glowing recommendation by Small Favors’ creator Colleen Coover (during an interview I did with her sometime ago) that I really dove into it… and I still need to finish it, which I will in future issues (promise).
But as for this issue I guess if there was something to be said about Bondage Fairies it’s that Kondom is a damn good scribe of erotica, but I’m just not completely happy with his work all the time (this being one time).
After the glowing recommendation of New Bondage Fairies Volume One, and it’s liberal lacing of lesbian erotica amongst it’s girl on male micro animal slash insect slash water creatures I was ready to go on… too bad the title wouldn’t be as much of a hit with me as before (but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it, it just that I missed all the interaction between Pfil and Pamila which was so big in New Bondage Fairies Volume One (and only minor here).
Fairy sisters slash incest lovers with an axe to grind against Pfil have kidnapped her while Pfil is out doing a particular job (which just so happens to tie back into her kidnappers ironically enough), and has given her a powerful aphrodisiac (and what seems to be an undead fairy male to rape her… until somehow Pfil manages to bond with her captor to her advantage and manages to escape from the two crazed sisters (but not after much male/female sex, and flashbacks as to why the dominant female of this two sister pair doesn’t seem to like Pfil all that much, even as she drives her easily manipulated sister into hating Pfil as much as she does). In the meantime Pamila is playing dodge the human/dog combo while searching the woods for Pfil (who she eventually is reunited with after Pfil escapes from her captors).
The two get a little lesbian nooky, their bond grows stronger after Pfil is taken to recover from her ordeal, and nothing but a bad end await for the lesbian incest pair. And that’s the only story in this volume, unlike New Bondage Fairies Volume One which had several stories.
First the plus side.
Kondom draws hot and sexy like nobody’s business, something only a fistful of Japanese creators got down pat to the point of a constant 5 out of 5 out of me. The creators of Blue Eyes, Innocence, and even the not so pretty artwork of La Blue Girl The Original Manga (he makes up for it by being innovative with his style and delivery -- that and the whole “grotesque erotica” slant he’s known for), they’re all up there (and a few more to boot) as series that really should be in your collection.
What keeps this from a 5 out of 5 is the singlemindedness of the story, and the total lack of lesbian erotica in it (which is just so beautiful in New Bondage Fairies Volume One). Sure, there are the weird two evil sisters, but their moments (in flashback and present) are so short and lacking that it’s not even worth getting you even slightly hyped over it (and again they face a most horrid ending so you shouldn’t get too attached to them in anycase).
OK. Just because there wasn’t enough fairy pussy on fairy pussy it doesn’t mean the title sucks, but…. Well, it’s my thang so one point less for it’s minimal appearance in this volume. Otherwise next time I review Bondage Fairies I’m sure we’ll be hip deep in more Pfil on Pamila action and things will be back to being 5 out of 5 goodness.
Otherwise it’s still Kondom, it’s still solidly done, it’s just not the Pfil and Pamila I was expecting. Love it still, but just not so much.
4 Pfils and Pamilas forever out of 5.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Today Starts the Misty Erotic Fanfic Challenge
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Image of the Day : Cover
Erotic Prose Review : Erotica from Penthouse Volume I & II
Yeah, if you are actually buying the Penthouse magazine (and not saving up your coins for the more erotically densely packed titles like the micro sized Penthouse Forums) then one of the few things your reading Penthouse the Magazine for is it’s erotica (be it the letters from readers and other prose erotica within). Well, from the early 90’s on Penthouse began to publish a long string of books that collected up all this prose erotica from it’s pages for you to have, this being what seemingly is the first entry of the set (Erotica from Penthouse Volume I & II).
According to the teaser on the front jacket flap this book is all about “True Stories. Real People. Great Sex.” which is all true, because if you are a regular (or occasional accidential reader) then you know that their readership has been sending the most provocative letters to Penthouse in this side of forever (though I still think you’ll get more for your buck reading Penthouse Forums than the main magazine).
Filled with the contents of the first two Penthouse Erotica books, it has just about everything you’d want out of a good erotica book with little exception or complaint out of me. The first book is split up into “flavors” of sexual release, each with their own particular topic.
In “Not Just Your Average Relationship” we have such things as “Our First Vibrator” … yeah, and just imagine how much more endearing this whole story would have been if it was a gift between lesbians and not a guy giving it to his lady because she wanted it so.
“Sex During Divorce”… hmm… objection?
“Sex Rites” cover things like “Morning Before Erection”, “Dial S for Sex”, “Sex in the Dark” and “Fantasy Game” (featuring a white leather binder, pages of photos of couples in various stages of undress, and a three minute time limit to strip down, act out then dress back up again… won’t most of the time be wasted dressing/undressing?)
“Desperately Seeking Adventure”, aka “Say What?!?”
Some are… well… there’s “Lesbian Express” which actually isn’t as hot as you think it should be (nor does it actually take place on a train though part of the story does have a train in it).
As for the rest? “I Was A Coke Whore”, “I Slept With A Gangster” and “The Lesbian Who Loved Men” (No, no, no, no, no! You’re supposed to get your lesbian license revoked if you love men! At the very least you get downgraded to “bisexual”!)
Oral Histories, The Comedy of Sex (huh?), Girl Talk, A Fly On The4 Locker Room Wall (“The Deflowering of a Lesbian Stripper” (if she’s the one with the guy again I have to say that doesn’t that technically make her bisexual and NOT lesbian?) Oh, and let’s not forget “The Family Mistress” (every family needs one).
The second book is a string of tales of all sorts, getting away from the themed chapters of the first book. This one I have to say I liked better than the first because it’s got quite a few interesting stories (and more interesting lesbian tales to boot). Quite a few different scenarios (no themes), more interesting tales and overall better in all respects. The first half just warmed you up for this half, enjoy it.
Overall while I’m not a big fan of the first half of the book (the first volume), the second more than covers for the first half and rounds out the selection nicely. Nice bedstand material for becoming inspired with that special someone you love (and after the story is over you’ll hopefully get more than a milk and cookies for your reward… though milk isn’t all bad, reference back to the lady pouring milk down her naked body from the start of the Milk Mama review… just make sure it’s your girlfriend slash significant other slash life mate doing it lest you get charged by the glass.
So let’s see, it’s Penthouse so it’s good (but the first volume isn’t as good as the second, which is par for the course since not every letter in any given issue of Penthouse or Penthouse Forums is solid gold either), and if you’re looking for something for your bedroom reading shelf that is prose erotica of solid quality you can’t go wrong with the Penthouse line of erotica novels. 4 bisexuals in lesbian clothing out of 5.
According to the teaser on the front jacket flap this book is all about “True Stories. Real People. Great Sex.” which is all true, because if you are a regular (or occasional accidential reader) then you know that their readership has been sending the most provocative letters to Penthouse in this side of forever (though I still think you’ll get more for your buck reading Penthouse Forums than the main magazine).
Filled with the contents of the first two Penthouse Erotica books, it has just about everything you’d want out of a good erotica book with little exception or complaint out of me. The first book is split up into “flavors” of sexual release, each with their own particular topic.
In “Not Just Your Average Relationship” we have such things as “Our First Vibrator” … yeah, and just imagine how much more endearing this whole story would have been if it was a gift between lesbians and not a guy giving it to his lady because she wanted it so.
“Sex During Divorce”… hmm… objection?
“Sex Rites” cover things like “Morning Before Erection”, “Dial S for Sex”, “Sex in the Dark” and “Fantasy Game” (featuring a white leather binder, pages of photos of couples in various stages of undress, and a three minute time limit to strip down, act out then dress back up again… won’t most of the time be wasted dressing/undressing?)
“Desperately Seeking Adventure”, aka “Say What?!?”
Some are… well… there’s “Lesbian Express” which actually isn’t as hot as you think it should be (nor does it actually take place on a train though part of the story does have a train in it).
As for the rest? “I Was A Coke Whore”, “I Slept With A Gangster” and “The Lesbian Who Loved Men” (No, no, no, no, no! You’re supposed to get your lesbian license revoked if you love men! At the very least you get downgraded to “bisexual”!)
Oral Histories, The Comedy of Sex (huh?), Girl Talk, A Fly On The4 Locker Room Wall (“The Deflowering of a Lesbian Stripper” (if she’s the one with the guy again I have to say that doesn’t that technically make her bisexual and NOT lesbian?) Oh, and let’s not forget “The Family Mistress” (every family needs one).
The second book is a string of tales of all sorts, getting away from the themed chapters of the first book. This one I have to say I liked better than the first because it’s got quite a few interesting stories (and more interesting lesbian tales to boot). Quite a few different scenarios (no themes), more interesting tales and overall better in all respects. The first half just warmed you up for this half, enjoy it.
Overall while I’m not a big fan of the first half of the book (the first volume), the second more than covers for the first half and rounds out the selection nicely. Nice bedstand material for becoming inspired with that special someone you love (and after the story is over you’ll hopefully get more than a milk and cookies for your reward… though milk isn’t all bad, reference back to the lady pouring milk down her naked body from the start of the Milk Mama review… just make sure it’s your girlfriend slash significant other slash life mate doing it lest you get charged by the glass.
So let’s see, it’s Penthouse so it’s good (but the first volume isn’t as good as the second, which is par for the course since not every letter in any given issue of Penthouse or Penthouse Forums is solid gold either), and if you’re looking for something for your bedroom reading shelf that is prose erotica of solid quality you can’t go wrong with the Penthouse line of erotica novels. 4 bisexuals in lesbian clothing out of 5.
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