Once upon a time, deep in the woods, lived a family of three bears. A Papa Bear, a Mama Bear, and a Baby Bear. For circumstances having no relation to this story but more for job related circumstances, the three bears decided to relocate to a different valley and sold their home in the woods. The purchaser, a young up and coming work at home fox girl named Kylie (who wrote and sold lesbian erotica to adult websites and epublishers), bought it and moved right in.
She was a tall beauty, with peaches and cream fur (except for her front which was bare nude flesh as is the case with all female ani-morphics). She had the usual animal like features of her kind (with short snout, sharp pointed ears and a long mane of hair she tied up into a long braided ponytail. She sported a long tail and for the most part was human in appearance (as all ani-morphs) with the exception of her fur and a few other parts of her like her face which showed her animal nature).
One day she was busy typing away at her computer when she heard a knock at her door. Ignoring it, being on deadline and all, she continued to work tirelessly. Again the door knocked, and again she ignored it. More seconds pass and then a tall leggy blonde female human passed her by, making a beeline straight to Kylie’s kitchen. She wore the cutest little green dress that left little (if nothing) to the imagination as to what was beneath it, along with long green hiking boots made of the softest materials and a huge backpack that she had no problem wearing.
Caught off guard by the sudden entrance, Kylie quickly leapt to her feet and rushed into the kitchen, catching the strange female intruder shuffling through her kitchen cabinet with an expression of disappointment on her face. “There’s no porridge in your cabinets.“
“Never touch the stuff myself.“ Kylie replies honestly, “And you are…“
If the strange intruder woman looked anymore depressed as she pulled a thermos out of her backpack on her back, she could be prescribed prozac without a prescription--- or something stronger.
She was a tall athletic woman, human in all respects with the most white of pale skin (yet a beautiful paleness she was). Long blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders onto her back, and a most becoming shapely figure (as shapely as Kylie’s own) stood before the confused fox girl. “Oh well, I have some instant mix on me. I can make that.”
Silence ruled for a minute as the strange woman proceeded to make a batch of instant porridge right in front of Kylie, mixing it in the very thermos she pulled out into view just seconds before.
“You act like you live here for some reason.” Kylie shot out, waiting for a response. “Sure, it’s not that bad here and the neighborhood really grows on you and all but I just don‘t remember moving in with you when I bought this place. We can still do it of course but I’d like to see your resume of past rental agreements before we go any further with this possible rooming arrangements.”
“A family used to live here! They always had fresh porridge on the table whenever I visited and didn’t mind me taking any (at least the father didn’t as long as I performed my duties in repayment)… here, taste this…“ she said, shoving the thermos cup into Kylie’s hands. The contents steamed as she looked at it with a wary eye, “It looks too hot to me.“
“That’s because it is.“ the blonde said as she snapped it back, “Didn’t want to take a swig and make sure?“
“No…“ Kylie shook her head, looking disturbed at the thought. “I may not be a catgirl but I have a sensitive tongue all the same… hate things that are too hot… wh-what are you doing?!?“
“Bringing down the temperature.“ she said as she adjusted the heat, then passed a fresh cup back to Kylie. “Try it now.“
A few seconds of tasting later brings a sharp yelp from Kylie. “Too cold! Too co -- OUCH!!“ (grabs head) “Brain freeze! Brain freeze -- speaking of which…“ (she looks on still clutching her skull) “What did you mean by services? You didn’t…“
“When his sister came to visit I kept her busy.“ (takes the cup back and redoes the temperature again) “And yes, it implies I did have sexual relations with her, and no she wasn’t a bear… (she was a wolf girl, half sister more than sister).“
Kylie heads back to her work, “Can’t I just pay to have you stay at a hotel or something? Really nice one with thick walls so nobody has to listen to your sexual habits? I don’t have any family that requires a tall blonde prostitute babysitter… now where‘s my aspirin hypo…?”
“The last family said I could stay here until I made new housing arrangements--- now try this…“ (shoves another thermos cup of porridge into Kylie’s hands, as she goes back to talking as Kylie tries it). “I don’t have anywhere else to go since the last place I lived in was converted into a brothel for some sort of business revolving around seven whores.”
“And what about me -- hmm, not to be obvious but this was just right.”
“I could give you their address if you’d like that. It‘s located down in Simi Valley over three valleys down… what do you think of it?”
Kylie : “No! No! What I mean is don’t I have any say about this arrangement? It‘s MY house after all!! And this isn‘t worth room and rent since it tastes like so-so grain flavored mush… porridge isn‘t my thing, as I remember saying earlier.”
“No.“ the blonde replies, “I’m sorry but the lady of the house said I could live here until further notice (do you like strawberry, blueberry or caramel with your porridge?).”
“I think she meant that while she was still living here you could crash here, not the minute she ups and sells the place so she could move to concrete paved pastures. (And I don‘t eat porridge, listen to me when I talk to you!!)“ Kylie countered, already going back to typing briskly to meet deadline. “Anyway I guess if you can come up with the scratch for rent I’d consider letting you stay here.”
“The couch is fine. I won’t intrude. Oh, and my name is Goldilocks. I‘ll make you a fresh batch of porridge every day.”
“Whatever you say, Goldy (and don’t expect to trade porridge I don’t like for rent, I want my payment in money or your pussy as my personal sex slave you freeloader you).“ Kylie remarked blandly with a wave of her hand, “And just so you know I’m not cleaning my bathroom of my lesbian erotica research material. I like to look through it while on my toilet if it’s OK with you.“
“It makes the place look like a brothel (and I‘ve crashed in plenty of those), but if you have a potty fixation that‘s OK with me (I just need a place to sleep).”
“Fine. Fine. Whatever…“ (Kylie sighs) “And I don’t have a so called Potty fixation so shut up about it.“
Someone knocks at the door.
“Send them away for dinner, Goldy, just having you in my house is more than enough unwanted guests for one evening.”
Goldilocks walks over and opens the door, she then comes back into the room with Kylie and says “There’s a door to door salesman here, should I tell them you won’t let them live here either?“
A minutes passes. Kylie goes back to typing once again until…
“Please go outside and send the stupid bottle blonde with the thermos of porridge back inside… then go away, no solicitors.”
* * * * * *
“Say, Goldy!“ Kylie calls out from the kitchen as she cooks, “You’re not a chronic kleptomaniac are you? You better not be picking my home clean of my stuff or so help me I’m going to skin you even cleaner than your pussy is… and what the hell was that anyway?!?”
(FLASHBACK - As Kylie works Goldilocks walks up next to her and pulls her pants down. “I’m a licensed hair specialist, do you want me to shave your personal private hair on a regular basis?”)
(FLASHBACK - Kylie does not respond, but after two minutes of prodding and asking (over and over again) she turns and says “Where the fuck did that idea come from?”)
(FLASHBACK - Goldilocks “Just saying…”)
Silence. Kylie sighs as she checks the food again, “Alright,
alright, fine then. Ignore me. You can handle your sugars, right? I plan to serve dessert tonight don‘t you know.”
“That‘s OK, thanks.”
As Kylie plates up dinner and puts it on the table (“At least pretend my food means something to your freeloading ass.“) Goldilocks returns from the bathroom. “I put up a bookrack in your bathroom to store your porn in a cleaner less cluttered manner.”
“Don’t tell me you ran out to buy a bookrack…”
“It’s yours. You did know you had one, right?”
Kylie shakes her head as she seats her new “roommate“ at the table, “Really? Must have been left behind by the bear family because I don‘t ever remember having one of those. Anyway let‘s eat.”
After half a day of increasingly irritable behavior from her now sure to be a permanent fixture in her home, she hoped at least dinner with her human roommate would work better… maybe.
As Kylie sat down she motioned to the food before them, "Well, I hope your hungry (what with all that porridge testing you did today and all). So I want you to eat quickly before I change my mind and have you thrown out for being an freeloading intruder.“
“Thank you, this will be sufficient.” she replied even handedly, making herself a plate as Kylie watched.
“Then stop being arrogant long enough to appreciate me for feeding you, why don’t you.” Kylie shoots back, her tail whipping about as she ate in half a huff. “Please don’t eat angry, it’s bad for your health.”
“What would you know about my health, Miss Porridge Pusher.”
A few minutes pass before Kylie attempts conversation.
“So, Goldbricks, what do you do for a living when your not welcoming yourself into other people‘s homes and raiding their kitchens for porridge?”
“I work as a prostitute for hire, fulfilling client fantasies and specializing in welcoming first timers into their sexual futures.“
Kylie nearly chokes on her food. “Sure, go on…“ (clears throat, looking winded) “…be deftly honest about your lifestyle why don’t you… I work on erotica websites then, since we’re being overtly honest to a fault.“
“I know. That’s why I’m here.”
Kylie’s eyebrow shoots up suddenly, “Say what?”
“I’ve been fascinated with your stories and writings, so when I heard you moved into my friend’s home I wanted to room with you.“
“Well…” (Kylie swallows) “…that’s certainly quite…”
“And it saves money sharing rent and so forth so it works for me not having to pay full price for an apartment in town.”
“Urgh.” (facefaults) “At least try to keep my ego high before deflating it like that. That was nasty.“
Goldilocks - “----what is it?” (noticing Kylie’s expression)
“Nothing. Nothing at all.“ Kylie lies, face still smiling. “Maybe I should sample the goods tonight and see just how you play in bed, then maybe I’ll change my mind and swap sex for rent… if you’re good.“ (looks up again and stares Goldilocks straight in the eyes) “Level with me. You’re good at making hot love in bed, right? You are, right?”
Suddenly Goldilocks begins to show emotion, shifting about uncomfortably in her chair abit, not wanting to return the gaze, but finally she speaks abit meekly, “Guess I’ll have to give you my best service tonight if it means I get to stay here.“
* * * * * *
“So…” Kylie mumbled as she laid naked in her own bed, bound and blindfolded, “Is this the part where I get aroused? My nipples are totally aroused…” (silence) “…maybe they’re just stiff because it’s abit cold tonight. Doesn’t explain why my pussy’s abit moist though maybe I’m just reading too much into this into getting aroused (or maybe it’s just my tail humping up between my legs that’s getting me horny).”
Goldilock’s voice echoed in the room, from her place at the doorway watching her “client” waiting for her. “So my dear, what’s your most dearest, fondest, forbidden fantasy?“
If she could pace the floors to think she would, but right now Kylie was a captive audience. “Hmmm…“ (thoughts spinning) “…I don’t care. Fuck me, hump me, shove it to me, just make it really really good and really really really special or we’re quits-ville again Gladice.“
“What did you say?“ Goldilocks said in a coy voice.
“I said fuck me good or we’re quits Golducks.“
“I thought you said that.“
Silence. A long silence. She suddenly couldn’t even hear her breathing anymore. Straining for audio stimuli Kylie strains against her bindings, head twisting back and forth trying to catch any sign of her.
“Goldy? Goldy?“ she repeated over and over again, trying in vain to listen to her breathing… “Goldilocks?!? Goldilocks!! Goldilocks!!“
Silence. An unbearable silence. Something she’s drowned out of her bedroom for the longest time blaring her radio night after night to avoid not hearing the sound of her absent lover. For the longest…
Suddenly her senses kick in, and the sweet smell of perfume caught her attention. Suddenly the beautifully nude form of the woman wearing that perfume fell upon her, and caused Kylie to shriek. Straining to rub herself against the flesh from which that perfume came from, tears came to her eyes as memories unbidden came back to her.
The day she knew she loved her old food school partner Gladice was when they spent the night studying, only to end up having sex out of frustration when their attempts to complete a particular dessert project. The day they entered a food apprenticeship contest was the best thing they ever did, but when Gladice was voted out before Kylie it was sheer torture for her to go it alone with her love.
The moment she was voted out she rushed to the airport to be reunited with her lover. Once she arrived back home she paced the baggage terminal impatiently, only to realize once her sister came to pick her up that her lover wasn’t coming for her.
The thought of what Gladice put her through for so long chewed at her, but now that they were back together again the thought of being reunited with her made her whole soul tingle, arousing her and setting her afire as Gladice now laid on top of her.
“Where the hell did you vanish to you BITCH?!?” Kylie cried, struggling to hold Gladice (Goldilocks) in her arms, “I missed you!! Missed you!!”
“Kai you don’t know how badly I wanted to get over what happened at that contest, but…”
The restrains snap and suddenly Goldilocks is caught in a strong bear hug from Kylie. As she holds her tight Kylie kisses her hard, forcing her snout about her captive lover’s mouth shoving her tongue deep down her throat. Finally releasing her she nudges away the blindfold and take a good look into her love’s eyes. “You grew… and changed your hair color… grew it longer… worked out… is that a birth mark on your left tit over there… and did you finally go to the fairy godmother and have your tits enlarged? They feel fuller!!”
“Please don’t tease me… (we‘re not all blessed to have large knockers like yours).” Goldilocks moaned, looking close to tears herself, “I was a fucking idiot. I let my own pride destroy what we had so please… please…” (kisses Kylie in turn tears welling in her eyes) “Take me back.”
Kylie hugged her tighter, “You think I’m going to let you escape now that I finally got my arms around you again? No way! I’ve waited to have my first love again for so fucking long I…” (hugs her one more strong time before rearing back) “…did you say “fuck you up the back”?”
“KAI!! I…”
“Oh you shouldn’t have!” Kylie interrupted, rolling on top into the dominant position. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to tuck a girldick pill grown cock up your ass… sweet!”
“Kai please… be gentle…”
“Of course I will… to a point.”
Goldilocks whimpers.
* * * * * *
Goldilocks shrieks in pleasure, her legs spreading a little farther apart as she grips the sheets, Kylie’s soft padded hands firmly gripping her lover’s rear (bent over on all fours for Kylie’s pleasure) as she rhythmically fucks her dickgirl cock into her lover’s tight ass over and over again. Kylie briefly spares her handiwork a glance as she bends over to cup Goldy’s large breasts, ‘Dammit!’ she thought to herself with self satisfaction, ‘My spell-dick’s getting fatter and fat-- ogghh!! I’m getting red--- ready to cum!!’
“Cum up your ass!” she hisses, one hand playing with Goldy’s pussy while the other grips one of her tits (pinching and pulling at her thick hardened nipple). “Going to make your pussy cum while I load your ass with my cream! That sound good to you!?”
“YES!! YES!! GODDESS YES!!” Goldilocks shriek, completely surrendering herself to her lover’s handiwork. “Then I want you to get yourself off, put one of those hands to good use… that’s a good girl… get it down there and jerk yourself off for me… that’s it…”
Frantic, Goldy shoves a hand down between her legs, the flat of her hand pressed against the tiny nub rubbing and pinching it back and forth alternating, occasionally playing her fingers across her wet cunt.
Suddenly she feels a hand grab her own hand away, forcing it back to holding her weight as Kylie whispers, “I think you’re wet enough. Time to get that cunny off now.“
Quickly Kylie pulls back, repositioning herself to fill her lover’s cunt with hard girldick in one stroke, humping her thickness into Goldilock’s already wet and moist pussy overflowing with precum. As Goldy hunkers down from the fresh raw sensations pumped into her head she registers Kylie reaching a hand down to masturbate the little nub that she herself was toying with seconds before, wretching fresh cries of passion from her lips as she shudders and heaves beneath Kylie’s hold over her.
As Kylie continues to stroke her beloved with her increasingly forceful thrusts, Goldy cries out “Oh goddess harder!! Harder please hard--“ Suddenly she shudders and buries her face into the pillows before her, her body falling towards the edge of sexual oblivion and release. “CUMMINGGggggyaaahhhh!!“
Like a spur to her own release Kylie hunkers into Goldy, her snout latching onto Goldy’s shoulder strongly as she fucks herself into her own oblivion, her dick swelling and swelling until… until… with a high pitched shriek she jams her dick to the base deep into Goldy’s pussy and releases a long slow agonizing pulsing jets of cum over and over, her teeth grip tighter on her lover’s flesh yet do not pierce as she muffles her screams of release with a mouthful of her lover’s flesh. Cumming and cumming into her, filling her cunt to completion as she shudders in release.
Falling to her side out of breath (her dick dislodging from her love’s pussy) she rolls back and forth in a daze holding herself tight post release. Suddenly she looks up and Goldilocks, barely winded from the effort, is sitting over her ready to get her back into action again. “Goddess -- gasp gasp gasp --“ Kylie wheezes in exhaustion, her strength only beginning to pull itself back together again, “You’re a monster!“
Goldilocks pulls Kylie up into a sitting position, leaning her sweat laden head against Goldy’s full breasts. As a few tears of joy roll down her face, she begins to respond to her lover’s touch as she begins to masturbate her lover’s spent spellcock (bringing it back to fullness).
“Don’t stop, Goldy!“ Kylie whimpers, her tail pumping up and down madly as she begins to respond to Goldilock‘s ministrations.
“Guess my sex hungry lover can’t help herself. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to drain you to full satisfaction or your money back.“
"I didn’t say I was paying y---yeehh!!“
“Hush, precious, and let me bring you to nirvana.”
Slowly, but surely, she moves down and starts her work on Kylie’s erect nipples, grasping one in her hand, placing her entire mouth around the other as her remaining free hand continues to slowly stroke and gently squeeze Kylie’s erection (soliciting yelps and cries from her love with each firm stroke of the hand or suckle of her lips). Once she knew that Kylie was effectively in the palm of her hand she increased her momentum, suckling on her tits with an almost vicious passion as she began to stop Kylie’s hard on stronger and stronger.
As her work continues, slurping and pinching and stroking simultaneously, she whispers “I’ll make it worth your while dearest.”
Between alternating glomps of her lover’s tits one upon the other rotating back and forth, hungrily sucking on her breasts until Kylie was certain she was going to cum out of her tits if Goldy kept it up.
Finally, however, Goldilocks turns her attention downwards slowly making a beenline down Kylie’s belly towards the now achingly hard erection between her legs, spinning herself about to place her own soaking wet pussy at Kylie’s snout as she reached for her love’s erection.
Kylie, half in a daze, grabs Goldy’s ass and gently clamps her snout onto her love’s pussy, gentle not to hurt her as she devoured her with long wet stroking licks of her long tongue.
* * * * * * *
“You‘re not making porridge, are you? I don‘t like porridge.”
“I am fully capable of cooking other things that are basically the same preparations as porridge but cooked differently.” Goldilocks calls out from the kitchen.
“So in other words it‘s porridge, pancakes, crepes, muffins, biscuits, and (if I‘m lucky) omelets or scrambled eggs (if you innovate enough)…”
“Isn‘t that enough food choices for morning meals?”
Kylie sighs, savoring the sweet feel of her soft bedding against her nude satisfied flesh, “Can you cook things other than what I just described for lunch and dinner?”
“Yes. Now please be patient, our first breakfast in bed is coming up and I know what I‘m doing!!”
“If you say.”
‘Wow.‘ Kylie suddenly thinks as she presses herself into her soft bed, ‘This is the first time I actually had breakfast in bed… but not the last. Not the last…‘
Suddenly the thought of just savoring her mornings in bed seemed like a good thing, something she hadn’t had a chance to treasure in a long time. As she stirs from her sex marathon induced slumber, a low satisfied mewling noise coming from her lips, she realized just how perfect things were going to be from this point forward.
“MMMMmmmmm…” Kylie sighs, feeling a strong sensual tingling from her body as she begins to masturbate herself. One hand gingerly toys with her sensitive tits, squeezing one then the other back and forth as she began to arouse herself. As she did this her other hand slid down between her legs, spreading her pussy lips with her two fingers savoring the feel… “Guess I really need Goldy to shave me down there.” (sighs) “Hard to get a grip like this.”
Deciding to get down to it she rolled over and pulled a long thick dildo from her nightstand. “Never thought I’d be using you for a happy day, but here it is.” (her tongue licks her lips quickly as she rolls back into position, reopening her pussy with one hand as she presses the fake rubber dick into her womanhood with the other.
Her legs spread apart, her blankets falling away exposing her handiwork as she digs in, dildo moving slowly at first but pumping faster and faster as her pleasure builds within her. Her memory of her lovemaking with Goldilocks strong in mind as she self fucked herself with her plaything, so clear in her mind she was certain she could see Goldilocks being fucked by her as she was working herself into a sex frenzy.
Her passions begin to flow stronger and stronger, lubing the fake dick making it slide quicker and easier with each hand stroke into her cunt. Kylie, long gone mentally, could only whip her head back and forth panting and shrieking softly (forcing herself to keep her voice low lest she alert Goldy to her activities). It wouldn’t be long, she knew it, so she gripped the dick harder humping herself stronger and stronger, her moment racing right to her.
Suddenly a hand clamps over her own, and with one strong thrust buries the dick into Kylie filling to full depth bringing a strong shriek from her lips, release overtaking her. Her limbs trash about, her torso held down as the hand is joined by a second, speedily rubbing Kylie’s womanhood until a second strong orgasm hits in quick succession causing her to hump her hips upwards, her body straining in it’s second cumming.
As Goldilocks withdraws the dildo, she wraps it within a pancake wiping clean her lover’s cum onto it, rolling the pancake in turn up and biting into it. “MMMmmm… lovely.”
Unable to even speak, Kylie lies in a heap looking up at her love, bliss’d out of her mind. Goldilocks smiles, “Breakfast in bed, love.”
From this point forward her life would never be the same, and for once Kylie knew it was a good thing.