If you've been browsing the news during the countdown to the Olympics (which you can quicky do by googling "Beijing Olympics" and checking out the small list of news articles of the day listed on the 1st search page for your search) then you probably noticed that you shouldn't be clicking on Xinhua for news (as it is marked with a red x of warning). Sure, technically speaking it only has 2 red download warnings and if you download anything off of xinhua you're asking for what happens but still... of all the news outlets putting up reports it is a shame one of them had to be untouchable.
Too bad too, seeing how today they're reporting about how a former IOC man seems to laud the Beijing Olympics while it's take 2 on Opening Ceremonies rehersals... people? It's six days to said opening ceremonies, isn't this abit late to be having take two rehersals?!?
Of course I'm not stopping by to find out what's the scoop on these, so you'll just have to accept these little bits of news today as today's newsworthy buzz... sorry.
Anyway that's the news for today, imagine what you'll learn (or not learn if Xinhua is reporting again) tomorrow!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Today's Olympics Game Review : Salt Lake City 2002
Hey kids! What with the Beijing 2008 Olympics coming in a week are you finding yourself with your PS2 and looking for a knockout Winter Olympics game that isn't the last Winter Olympics style game that came out around the same time as Mario & Sonic At The Olympics that'll get you pumped up and keeps you Higher Faster Stronger all night long without the use of performance enhancing pills to keep you in the ga... eh? Wait, wait, wait, am I shilling Salt Lake City 2002 or Viagra… Viagra possibly. Maybe. I think.
Why? Because you’ll be sadly disappointed with the “service” put out by this Winter Giggolo as you’ll soon discover Salt Lake City 2002 to be another disappointment in the long chain of disappointments that is the Winter Olympic adaptations. (I am not sure about the latest game set in winter gaming that is available on the Wii, but somehow I am guessing it's going to be better than this... anything should be better than this, really.)
Obviously innovation in these games had been dragged kicking and screaming out back as somebody at the IOC put a bullet through it’s head, considering how sucky these games are. Here we go again. Another cheaply made, poorly crafted, lackluster attempt at gaming which falls flat on it’s face in one gigantic heap. And because of that I am certain that the money I spent for this new copy (as new as an unopened 6 year old game can be) was barely worth it… yeah, I spent $2 on this game when I first reviewed it which is basically what this tripe is worth, $2.
Apparently the ancient Rumsfeld “logic” that you have to go to Olympics with the game you got lives and breathes foul tepid breath here as you march into battle in Salt Lake City and find that you are under-evented once again in a game lacking much depth or replay value short of the limited gimmick of dragging this out every Winter Olympics for multiplayer “action”… which won’t be much, I assure you.
Sure, a few of the events are improvements over their Torino 2006 counterparts, but with only six events to go through you are severely shortchanged here. At least Torino 2006 had 15 events, double and half that of Salt Lake City 2002. In mean how dull can you make these games anyway! And the real sad thing is that this game is from Eidos, and heck I expected better from Eidos! Damn! Oh, and the events are “split” between male and females… only you can’t tell much difference between the bulky action figure looking males and the not so feminine bulky action figure looking females! Freaky!
One improvement over Torino is that you can customize the few events while practicing in Freemode with light conditions (day or night settings with everything from full daylight to setting sun to nighttime) and customizable weather conditions (which you choose prior to entering each event in Freemode). Otherwise the gameplay is the same as Torino 2006, right down to the way it demands you learn the game via trial and error which sucks majorly.
And yes, somebody alert the Beijing officials that they have Japan and the creators of Sonic and Mario to thank for there being a video game out there that sets the Beijing Olympics of video games (to paraphrase the Olympics theme) "Higher" "Faster" and "Stronger" than the last two Winter Games games set in Salt Lake City AND Torino combined. Now if only Beijing 2008 (the Official Game of the XXIX Summer Olympics) can keep out of the suckitude of 1 out of 5 scoring.
As for Salt Lake City 2002? Sorry, there's no hope for it.
1 failed ski jump out of 5.
Tomorrow : Torino 2006, another bad taste of Olympics gaming.
Why? Because you’ll be sadly disappointed with the “service” put out by this Winter Giggolo as you’ll soon discover Salt Lake City 2002 to be another disappointment in the long chain of disappointments that is the Winter Olympic adaptations. (I am not sure about the latest game set in winter gaming that is available on the Wii, but somehow I am guessing it's going to be better than this... anything should be better than this, really.)
Obviously innovation in these games had been dragged kicking and screaming out back as somebody at the IOC put a bullet through it’s head, considering how sucky these games are. Here we go again. Another cheaply made, poorly crafted, lackluster attempt at gaming which falls flat on it’s face in one gigantic heap. And because of that I am certain that the money I spent for this new copy (as new as an unopened 6 year old game can be) was barely worth it… yeah, I spent $2 on this game when I first reviewed it which is basically what this tripe is worth, $2.
Apparently the ancient Rumsfeld “logic” that you have to go to Olympics with the game you got lives and breathes foul tepid breath here as you march into battle in Salt Lake City and find that you are under-evented once again in a game lacking much depth or replay value short of the limited gimmick of dragging this out every Winter Olympics for multiplayer “action”… which won’t be much, I assure you.
Sure, a few of the events are improvements over their Torino 2006 counterparts, but with only six events to go through you are severely shortchanged here. At least Torino 2006 had 15 events, double and half that of Salt Lake City 2002. In mean how dull can you make these games anyway! And the real sad thing is that this game is from Eidos, and heck I expected better from Eidos! Damn! Oh, and the events are “split” between male and females… only you can’t tell much difference between the bulky action figure looking males and the not so feminine bulky action figure looking females! Freaky!
One improvement over Torino is that you can customize the few events while practicing in Freemode with light conditions (day or night settings with everything from full daylight to setting sun to nighttime) and customizable weather conditions (which you choose prior to entering each event in Freemode). Otherwise the gameplay is the same as Torino 2006, right down to the way it demands you learn the game via trial and error which sucks majorly.
And yes, somebody alert the Beijing officials that they have Japan and the creators of Sonic and Mario to thank for there being a video game out there that sets the Beijing Olympics of video games (to paraphrase the Olympics theme) "Higher" "Faster" and "Stronger" than the last two Winter Games games set in Salt Lake City AND Torino combined. Now if only Beijing 2008 (the Official Game of the XXIX Summer Olympics) can keep out of the suckitude of 1 out of 5 scoring.
As for Salt Lake City 2002? Sorry, there's no hope for it.
1 failed ski jump out of 5.
Tomorrow : Torino 2006, another bad taste of Olympics gaming.
Today's Olympics Update
News from over at telegraph.co.uk says that China kinda sorta is bending to the will of others... kinda.
From Richard Spencer (from Beijing for the Olympics) for the telegraph over in the UK, it seems (according to his piece "For the first time" major international websites devoted to human rights, such as those of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, were freely accessible on computer screens across the city.
Now while at the Olympics it seems that english speaking (and thus reading) individuals would be able to see and read articles with headlines such as "Chinese authorities' broken promises threaten Olympic legacy"... oh, sure, rub it in their faces that they're about as reliable as a politician of anywhere country Earth post election day voting. Nice. Also you can check out Chinese prisoners apparently at a sentencing rally before being executed.
Besides that a block on the BBC Chinese language news site was also lifted, along with other foreign media whose sites previously triggered a message saying: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" when accessed from inside China... so, what does this mean? Well, not even the reporter himself could say if this was a full country thing or just for the media's benefit, but reports seem to indicate that these sites are visible in other cities other than the host city of the Olympics.
Of course if you think this means China's biting the bullet and deciding to play nice? Well... not really. President Hu Jintao, in a rare press conference with foreign journalists (maybe he's shy), seemed to "issue a warning on how China expected the Games to be portrayed." according to the article posted today at the telegraph.
(Richard Spencer) "Saying he welcomed journalists to report on the Games, Mr Hu added: "Of course, we also hope that during their coverage foreign reporters will follow and abide by Chinese laws and regulations."
He pledged that political as well as economic reform would be strengthened after the Games, but he refused to give any ground to critics of China over its human rights record, refusing to answer one question on the subject.
"We believe that politicising the Olympics does not favour resolving these issues, and also violates the Olympic spirit," he said."
Yeah, well hope China is going to just be happy with the one Olympics as I don't think they'll be able to trick the IOC into letting them... oh, wait, the IOC is easily tricked (just look at the long record of inferior video game product they've had their official name slapped on to see how easily guilable they are to promises that never pan out). Never mind, forget I said anything.
So why the change? Well, after having a bitter spat between members of the IOC (President and staff one and all) and the Beijing Olympics organizing committee? It just had to happen... and I am betting this will not be the last time the two butt heads during this whole Olympics (something tells me we're going to see them come to verbal exchanges again before too long -- of course if they manage to play nice that'd be swell, just somehow I wonder if that'll happen).
So how did this all come to pass?
1-Journalists over there complained to the top of the IOC press commission (one Kevan Gosper) that websites were blocked in the Olympic village and media centre despite promises that reporters would be allowed the same freedom as at previous games... which seems to be the freedom to criticize the host city since all the sites they want to go to are all about China's dysfunctional hiccups.
And yes, China, it's your fault. Stop being jerks.
2-Mr Gosper turns about and accuses his own associates at the IOC (IOC officials) of having a little behind the back "secret deal" (more or less) with Beijing to allow continued censorship, going so far as to suggest that allegedly the IOC president, Jacques Rogge (who maybe should have known better about going on the record officially and making promises about unfettered access to journalists without making 110% said promise could be delivered) must have known about it.
Did he know? Did he not know? Only Mr. Rogge can say.
3-After the allegations are made, the IOC went back to re-negotiate with Beijing and their people, whose chief spokesman had acknowledged that some sites would remain censored.
The end results was a bit of freedom and a bit of censorship. You get a little of this, they block a little of that. All in all it’s not that bad, and besides which you’d think these news organizations (especially the Monied Media) don’t have minions outside of China who could do all the checking of all these sites themselves (must you be in Beijing in order to look up information on China, especially info that is traditionally blocked by China? Can you not ask Tim or Jane the Intern left back in your home country to do all your research on the blocked site while you're away from the office?)
According to Giselle Davioes (chief spokeswoman for the IOC) "Following discussions the IOC held with BOCOG and Chinese authorities regarding difficulties experienced this week in accessing some web sites, the IOC is pleased to see that the issues are being quickly resolved,"
And now you know abit more… imagine what you’ll find out tomorrow.
From Richard Spencer (from Beijing for the Olympics) for the telegraph over in the UK, it seems (according to his piece "For the first time" major international websites devoted to human rights, such as those of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, were freely accessible on computer screens across the city.
Now while at the Olympics it seems that english speaking (and thus reading) individuals would be able to see and read articles with headlines such as "Chinese authorities' broken promises threaten Olympic legacy"... oh, sure, rub it in their faces that they're about as reliable as a politician of anywhere country Earth post election day voting. Nice. Also you can check out Chinese prisoners apparently at a sentencing rally before being executed.
Besides that a block on the BBC Chinese language news site was also lifted, along with other foreign media whose sites previously triggered a message saying: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" when accessed from inside China... so, what does this mean? Well, not even the reporter himself could say if this was a full country thing or just for the media's benefit, but reports seem to indicate that these sites are visible in other cities other than the host city of the Olympics.
Of course if you think this means China's biting the bullet and deciding to play nice? Well... not really. President Hu Jintao, in a rare press conference with foreign journalists (maybe he's shy), seemed to "issue a warning on how China expected the Games to be portrayed." according to the article posted today at the telegraph.
(Richard Spencer) "Saying he welcomed journalists to report on the Games, Mr Hu added: "Of course, we also hope that during their coverage foreign reporters will follow and abide by Chinese laws and regulations."
He pledged that political as well as economic reform would be strengthened after the Games, but he refused to give any ground to critics of China over its human rights record, refusing to answer one question on the subject.
"We believe that politicising the Olympics does not favour resolving these issues, and also violates the Olympic spirit," he said."
Yeah, well hope China is going to just be happy with the one Olympics as I don't think they'll be able to trick the IOC into letting them... oh, wait, the IOC is easily tricked (just look at the long record of inferior video game product they've had their official name slapped on to see how easily guilable they are to promises that never pan out). Never mind, forget I said anything.
So why the change? Well, after having a bitter spat between members of the IOC (President and staff one and all) and the Beijing Olympics organizing committee? It just had to happen... and I am betting this will not be the last time the two butt heads during this whole Olympics (something tells me we're going to see them come to verbal exchanges again before too long -- of course if they manage to play nice that'd be swell, just somehow I wonder if that'll happen).
So how did this all come to pass?
1-Journalists over there complained to the top of the IOC press commission (one Kevan Gosper) that websites were blocked in the Olympic village and media centre despite promises that reporters would be allowed the same freedom as at previous games... which seems to be the freedom to criticize the host city since all the sites they want to go to are all about China's dysfunctional hiccups.
And yes, China, it's your fault. Stop being jerks.
2-Mr Gosper turns about and accuses his own associates at the IOC (IOC officials) of having a little behind the back "secret deal" (more or less) with Beijing to allow continued censorship, going so far as to suggest that allegedly the IOC president, Jacques Rogge (who maybe should have known better about going on the record officially and making promises about unfettered access to journalists without making 110% said promise could be delivered) must have known about it.
Did he know? Did he not know? Only Mr. Rogge can say.
3-After the allegations are made, the IOC went back to re-negotiate with Beijing and their people, whose chief spokesman had acknowledged that some sites would remain censored.
The end results was a bit of freedom and a bit of censorship. You get a little of this, they block a little of that. All in all it’s not that bad, and besides which you’d think these news organizations (especially the Monied Media) don’t have minions outside of China who could do all the checking of all these sites themselves (must you be in Beijing in order to look up information on China, especially info that is traditionally blocked by China? Can you not ask Tim or Jane the Intern left back in your home country to do all your research on the blocked site while you're away from the office?)
According to Giselle Davioes (chief spokeswoman for the IOC) "Following discussions the IOC held with BOCOG and Chinese authorities regarding difficulties experienced this week in accessing some web sites, the IOC is pleased to see that the issues are being quickly resolved,"
And now you know abit more… imagine what you’ll find out tomorrow.
Image of the Day : Erotic Olympics Day -7
50th Post! Misty images vanish from Hentai page on Facebook

Well now I know who it is that is making Facebook do the censormonger thing... Facebook members. I take it then as long as I keep my page closed, limit access to those seeing my images, and only let in like minded people I think I'll do well... at least not have my Relentless Publishing page wiped (again). On the bright side it means all Misty images are just for this and Sakura Blossoms. Hooray.
And look! We're now up to 50 posts on this page! Yah!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Image of the Day : Erotic Olympics Day -8
And Now... The Daily Olympics Report
Now that we're finally posting images of erotica to "celebrate" the Olympics, and because it seems the Olympics this year can’t seem to get off the ground without 1001 problems… here’s a few more to record on your list prior to opening day.
And yes, China, only you can fix your own problems with your public image... try actually doing what you promised you were going to do years ago when you were trying to get the Olympics for starters (you know, all that talk of freedoms and so forth).
Beijing Has Pollution Problem (Hawaii’s Vog problems not so bad by comparison)
We’ve come right down to eight days before the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the city's air quality makes bad vog days over on this island look downright tolerable in comparison. Sheesh. Anyway because of this officials were “forced Thursday to announce emergency contingency plans.”
Maybe they should have announced that emergency months and months ago!
Is it noticeable? Like bad vog days in Hilo, Beijing has been blanketed in a haze, and vehicle emissions have been higher than those expected by experts (unlike here where we know the source of our emissions is all natural… as in a large volcano venting). According to news reports it seems the Olympic organizers are in abit of a tiff over this, worried that the pollution could not only prove a “nuisance” to spectators, but also hinder the performance of athletes if they deeply inhale the pollutants.
Obviously I take it this is only a concern to outdoor Olympic events as indoor events shouldn’t be troubled by this… I think.
Anyway it seems that Chinese authorities had previously (earlier) ordered many of the so-called “gunk-spewing factories” to move out of town or shut down (I don‘t think I ever heard of it referred to as “gunk-spewing“ factories before). So anyway on Thursday, the so called “Ministry of Environmental Protection” (huh?) announced that officials would “close another 220 factories, coal-fired power plants and steel plants in Beijing, nearby Tianjin city and surrounding Hebei province if air quality was forecast to be poor for any 48-hour period.”
Maybe the Chinese should work on a Ministry of Human Rights while they’re off making meaningless ministries. Just a thought.
Oh, and while we’re talking about meaningless shutdowns, it seems “Beijing will also ban all forms of construction "if there is very unfavorable weather, and the air quality is forecast to not be up to standard for the next 48 hours," according to the MEP website. Heh… MEP. According to experts they say they’ve “interpreted this to mean that the emergency plan would begin if Beijing's air pollution index, or API, was forecast to be 100 or more for two days in a row.”
Oh, according to officials an API of over 100 is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups such as the young and the elderly (or Chinese government officials who don‘t like being criticized too much by the rest of the planet, allegedly).
Anything else? Oh, right, the report (up today) also said “On July 20, authorities began banning cars from the roads based on their license plates -- vehicles bearing odd and even plates were given permission to take to the roads on alternate days.”
Did this help any? Hmm… no. It went over 100 soon after that happened, and held at over 100 for the required two days.
According to one news report “Zhu Tong, an environmental sciences professor and the director of the Beijing Olympics Air Quality Research Group at Beijing University, said officials hadn't calculated that creating special highway lanes dedicated to Olympic travel would clog the other lanes. "We expected that with the odd and even restrictions there would be no traffic jams, and therefore fewer pollutants emitted. But because of the special Olympic driving lane, there are still a few traffic jams, so the emissions are higher than our predictions," Zhu said. Still, Zhu said the measures imposed July 20 have already improved air quality, and the emergency measures announced Thursday were only a "just-in-case" plan. "The hazy days we had last week were due to unfavorable weather conditions," Zhu said. "If there's no unfavorable weather, I think we can guarantee good air quality during the Games." “
Speaking of clearing the air of bad toxins… here’s some bad air in the political venue.
China Cries Over House of Rep Resolution (One Rep. Votes No on Resolution, And Nobody Cares).
On a Thursday like any other Thursday China “sharply criticized "odious attempts" by US lawmakers to politicize the Olympics and to interfere in its internal affairs.”
How did this all happen? Well it started (if you missed this over all the coverage of the Alaskan Senator getting sent up the river over free house upgrades and all the bickering between McCain and Obama) when the US House of Representatives passed Wednesday by 419 votes to one (somebody just had to be different, didn’t they) a resolution "calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to immediately end abuses of the human rights of its citizens...to ensure that the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games take place in an atmosphere that honours the Olympic traditions of freedom and openness."
According to the report on the topic, “Reacting to the resolution, China's foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said, "Despite China's objections... the US House of Representatives passed a resolution that reflects their malicious intent to politicize the Olympic Games... and sabotage the Olympics in Beijing." “
Sorry, Spokespuppet Jianchao, the Olympics is China’s to make or break (and remember if you break it you bought all the unsought 2008 Olympics trinkets nobody buys). Anyway what a CRIME! Somebody told you to not be jerks to your own people! HORRIBLE!!
Anyway showing that Jianchao can‘t stop at just one comment, "These measures undermine the spirit of the Olympics and do not reflect the real hopes and aspirations of the American people,”
What does my hopes and aspirations have to do with you not screwing up the Olympics, China? For god’s sake swallow your self hate gene for a month and pretend you can go a few weeks without oppressing others why don’t you!!
And yes, despite some earlier comments by people that he should skip out on the event, President George W. Bush is still going to be among over 80 top foreign officials set to attend the opening ceremony of the 29th Summer Olympic Games (aka the XXIX games for those who like recording said events in Roman numerals), to be held from August 8-24 in Beijing.
As for that House of Rep thing? Well it also called on Bush "to make a strong public statement on China's human rights situation prior to his departure to Beijing for the Olympic Games, to make a similar statement in Beijing and meet with the families of jailed prisoners of conscience, and to seek to visit Tibet and Xinjiang while in China to attend the Olympic Games."
Yeah, good luck on that one.
That's it for today... imagine what new mischief will be uncovered TOMORROW!
And yes, China, only you can fix your own problems with your public image... try actually doing what you promised you were going to do years ago when you were trying to get the Olympics for starters (you know, all that talk of freedoms and so forth).
Beijing Has Pollution Problem (Hawaii’s Vog problems not so bad by comparison)
We’ve come right down to eight days before the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the city's air quality makes bad vog days over on this island look downright tolerable in comparison. Sheesh. Anyway because of this officials were “forced Thursday to announce emergency contingency plans.”
Maybe they should have announced that emergency months and months ago!
Is it noticeable? Like bad vog days in Hilo, Beijing has been blanketed in a haze, and vehicle emissions have been higher than those expected by experts (unlike here where we know the source of our emissions is all natural… as in a large volcano venting). According to news reports it seems the Olympic organizers are in abit of a tiff over this, worried that the pollution could not only prove a “nuisance” to spectators, but also hinder the performance of athletes if they deeply inhale the pollutants.
Obviously I take it this is only a concern to outdoor Olympic events as indoor events shouldn’t be troubled by this… I think.
Anyway it seems that Chinese authorities had previously (earlier) ordered many of the so-called “gunk-spewing factories” to move out of town or shut down (I don‘t think I ever heard of it referred to as “gunk-spewing“ factories before). So anyway on Thursday, the so called “Ministry of Environmental Protection” (huh?) announced that officials would “close another 220 factories, coal-fired power plants and steel plants in Beijing, nearby Tianjin city and surrounding Hebei province if air quality was forecast to be poor for any 48-hour period.”
Maybe the Chinese should work on a Ministry of Human Rights while they’re off making meaningless ministries. Just a thought.
Oh, and while we’re talking about meaningless shutdowns, it seems “Beijing will also ban all forms of construction "if there is very unfavorable weather, and the air quality is forecast to not be up to standard for the next 48 hours," according to the MEP website. Heh… MEP. According to experts they say they’ve “interpreted this to mean that the emergency plan would begin if Beijing's air pollution index, or API, was forecast to be 100 or more for two days in a row.”
Oh, according to officials an API of over 100 is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups such as the young and the elderly (or Chinese government officials who don‘t like being criticized too much by the rest of the planet, allegedly).
Anything else? Oh, right, the report (up today) also said “On July 20, authorities began banning cars from the roads based on their license plates -- vehicles bearing odd and even plates were given permission to take to the roads on alternate days.”
Did this help any? Hmm… no. It went over 100 soon after that happened, and held at over 100 for the required two days.
According to one news report “Zhu Tong, an environmental sciences professor and the director of the Beijing Olympics Air Quality Research Group at Beijing University, said officials hadn't calculated that creating special highway lanes dedicated to Olympic travel would clog the other lanes. "We expected that with the odd and even restrictions there would be no traffic jams, and therefore fewer pollutants emitted. But because of the special Olympic driving lane, there are still a few traffic jams, so the emissions are higher than our predictions," Zhu said. Still, Zhu said the measures imposed July 20 have already improved air quality, and the emergency measures announced Thursday were only a "just-in-case" plan. "The hazy days we had last week were due to unfavorable weather conditions," Zhu said. "If there's no unfavorable weather, I think we can guarantee good air quality during the Games." “
Speaking of clearing the air of bad toxins… here’s some bad air in the political venue.
China Cries Over House of Rep Resolution (One Rep. Votes No on Resolution, And Nobody Cares).
On a Thursday like any other Thursday China “sharply criticized "odious attempts" by US lawmakers to politicize the Olympics and to interfere in its internal affairs.”
How did this all happen? Well it started (if you missed this over all the coverage of the Alaskan Senator getting sent up the river over free house upgrades and all the bickering between McCain and Obama) when the US House of Representatives passed Wednesday by 419 votes to one (somebody just had to be different, didn’t they) a resolution "calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to immediately end abuses of the human rights of its citizens...to ensure that the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games take place in an atmosphere that honours the Olympic traditions of freedom and openness."
According to the report on the topic, “Reacting to the resolution, China's foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said, "Despite China's objections... the US House of Representatives passed a resolution that reflects their malicious intent to politicize the Olympic Games... and sabotage the Olympics in Beijing." “
Sorry, Spokespuppet Jianchao, the Olympics is China’s to make or break (and remember if you break it you bought all the unsought 2008 Olympics trinkets nobody buys). Anyway what a CRIME! Somebody told you to not be jerks to your own people! HORRIBLE!!
Anyway showing that Jianchao can‘t stop at just one comment, "These measures undermine the spirit of the Olympics and do not reflect the real hopes and aspirations of the American people,”
What does my hopes and aspirations have to do with you not screwing up the Olympics, China? For god’s sake swallow your self hate gene for a month and pretend you can go a few weeks without oppressing others why don’t you!!
And yes, despite some earlier comments by people that he should skip out on the event, President George W. Bush is still going to be among over 80 top foreign officials set to attend the opening ceremony of the 29th Summer Olympic Games (aka the XXIX games for those who like recording said events in Roman numerals), to be held from August 8-24 in Beijing.
As for that House of Rep thing? Well it also called on Bush "to make a strong public statement on China's human rights situation prior to his departure to Beijing for the Olympic Games, to make a similar statement in Beijing and meet with the families of jailed prisoners of conscience, and to seek to visit Tibet and Xinjiang while in China to attend the Olympic Games."
Yeah, good luck on that one.
That's it for today... imagine what new mischief will be uncovered TOMORROW!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wow... I lost pretty fast!
Writer's block gets me everytime!
Yes, I will get all seven chapters out... just not fast enough to keep from losing it seems. So Jessica gets a great gift basket from me this month (I'll let her know when it mails out).
Oh, well. I guess we won't have another challenge like this for awhile until I recover from the loss this time out... or will we?
Yes, I will get all seven chapters out... just not fast enough to keep from losing it seems. So Jessica gets a great gift basket from me this month (I'll let her know when it mails out).
Oh, well. I guess we won't have another challenge like this for awhile until I recover from the loss this time out... or will we?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
2 Days Remaining To First Olympics Erotic Posting
Only 2 days to go before we begin posting those images. Two days to go.
If anyone has any pre-Olympics reviews of Olympics games please feel free to contribute! I will (myself) be posting up reviews of 2002 Salt Lake City and 2006 Torino video games during this weekend! Stay tuned!
If anyone has any pre-Olympics reviews of Olympics games please feel free to contribute! I will (myself) be posting up reviews of 2002 Salt Lake City and 2006 Torino video games during this weekend! Stay tuned!
One More Delay...
Should have it up today (Tuesday)... if not then somebody is going to get something really nice this August (and by somebody I mean Jessica our Graphics Assistant). Stay tuned to see if I fold or manage to power through this challenge's second chapter!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Misty Chapter 2 delayed one day
I have until Tuesday to write Chapter 2 so I still have time to put it together and get it out. But if it's not out by Tuesday I lose (so let's see if I can't make the deadline or not neh?)
The Erotic Celebration of the Olympics Schedule!
Here we go! The schedule!
Thanks once again to our Graphics Assistant Jessica McDevitt we're ready once again for our latest site celebration, this time out the Olympics!
Well... here we go! The schedule!
Images start July 31st 2008 and runs through all the way to the Closing Ceremonies in August 24th! That's three and a half weeks of celebration (one a day)!
So first image coming up Thursday! Stay tuned!
Thanks once again to our Graphics Assistant Jessica McDevitt we're ready once again for our latest site celebration, this time out the Olympics!
Well... here we go! The schedule!
Images start July 31st 2008 and runs through all the way to the Closing Ceremonies in August 24th! That's three and a half weeks of celebration (one a day)!
So first image coming up Thursday! Stay tuned!
Sunday Update and the Image of the Day

Today's image of the day and fanfic will come together later today, so please be patient (thank you). (At worst it might come in the wee morning hours of Monday).
Update on Olympics images, I should have news for you on it by later on today as well (in 24 hours or so). By then I should have a posting schedule for you to keep an eye on (stay tuned for updates).
Well, I have to finish writing so I'll see you in a day then. See you.
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