I’ve seen this here and there on the web, so I knew what I was getting into when I first reviewed this sometime back (Hentai Review Poppers, that review appearing later on in this issue). However it wasn’t until it got a glowing recommendation by Small Favors’ creator Colleen Coover (during an interview I did with her sometime ago) that I really dove into it… and I still need to finish it, which I will in future issues (promise).
But as for this issue I guess if there was something to be said about Bondage Fairies it’s that Kondom is a damn good scribe of erotica, but I’m just not completely happy with his work all the time (this being one time).
After the glowing recommendation of New Bondage Fairies Volume One, and it’s liberal lacing of lesbian erotica amongst it’s girl on male micro animal slash insect slash water creatures I was ready to go on… too bad the title wouldn’t be as much of a hit with me as before (but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it, it just that I missed all the interaction between Pfil and Pamila which was so big in New Bondage Fairies Volume One (and only minor here).
Fairy sisters slash incest lovers with an axe to grind against Pfil have kidnapped her while Pfil is out doing a particular job (which just so happens to tie back into her kidnappers ironically enough), and has given her a powerful aphrodisiac (and what seems to be an undead fairy male to rape her… until somehow Pfil manages to bond with her captor to her advantage and manages to escape from the two crazed sisters (but not after much male/female sex, and flashbacks as to why the dominant female of this two sister pair doesn’t seem to like Pfil all that much, even as she drives her easily manipulated sister into hating Pfil as much as she does). In the meantime Pamila is playing dodge the human/dog combo while searching the woods for Pfil (who she eventually is reunited with after Pfil escapes from her captors).
The two get a little lesbian nooky, their bond grows stronger after Pfil is taken to recover from her ordeal, and nothing but a bad end await for the lesbian incest pair. And that’s the only story in this volume, unlike New Bondage Fairies Volume One which had several stories.
First the plus side.
Kondom draws hot and sexy like nobody’s business, something only a fistful of Japanese creators got down pat to the point of a constant 5 out of 5 out of me. The creators of Blue Eyes, Innocence, and even the not so pretty artwork of La Blue Girl The Original Manga (he makes up for it by being innovative with his style and delivery -- that and the whole “grotesque erotica” slant he’s known for), they’re all up there (and a few more to boot) as series that really should be in your collection.
What keeps this from a 5 out of 5 is the singlemindedness of the story, and the total lack of lesbian erotica in it (which is just so beautiful in New Bondage Fairies Volume One). Sure, there are the weird two evil sisters, but their moments (in flashback and present) are so short and lacking that it’s not even worth getting you even slightly hyped over it (and again they face a most horrid ending so you shouldn’t get too attached to them in anycase).
OK. Just because there wasn’t enough fairy pussy on fairy pussy it doesn’t mean the title sucks, but…. Well, it’s my thang so one point less for it’s minimal appearance in this volume. Otherwise next time I review Bondage Fairies I’m sure we’ll be hip deep in more Pfil on Pamila action and things will be back to being 5 out of 5 goodness.
Otherwise it’s still Kondom, it’s still solidly done, it’s just not the Pfil and Pamila I was expecting. Love it still, but just not so much.
4 Pfils and Pamilas forever out of 5.
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