Image of the Day

Image of the Day

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Today's Olynpics Report : Torch Reaches China

Yeah, it's there at long last. The torch people have been trying to extinguish for awhile now (and the torch which caused the shutdown of a certain famous section of tall mountains much to the protest of present climbers) finally makes it to China.

After so much protest it's finally on China's home turf for the final days of running it about before the games... strange, though, for awhile you heard lots of news about this torch and then for a time it just seemed to drop off the media's radar for awhile... only to return now just 3 days prior to the games opening. Weird.

Anyway are you ready to stay up late... or just never go to bed... because some channels are showing "live" coverage of the games at 2, 2, that's TWO AM in the morning... guess you can sleep during the hours when nothing good is showing and watch the stuff your interested in all night and morning long... or just Tivo the whole thing and watch it at your convenience. Whatever.

I don't know if I plan to stay up until 2AM in the morning to watch the Oly-- wait, who am I kidding, no way. I plan to be asleep at 2AM in the morning, unless they developed something worth staying up for... I don't know... something I know will never happen but would sound totally worth staying up all hours of the night and morning to watch. Oh well.

It's only a few days left before the Opening Ceremonies... imagine what strange new news you may learn tomorrow (2 days to go before opening ceremonies).

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