The sound of footfalls echoes through the darkness, with the vast landscape of the main central "hub" of Edenina overhead as far as the eyes can scan. About the scene, the lights of Citadel City provide backdrop as shadowy figures dash across the building's rooftops in pursuit of a smaller target.
“Why did I let you talk me into this?!?” Yuri rasps, leaping from one rooftop to another, “I’m no good at this! I’m a thinker, not an extra in a cop show!” (Kei bounds forward after her target ahead of the winded Yuri, running quickly like a hyperactive rabbit) “For goddess’ sake if not my own, please slow down!”
Finally, after long minutes of pursuit, the smaller shadow is cornered. Kei tackles down the creature, and struggles with it a few seconds before it easily bats her aside and jumps into the air -- only to be grabbed at the scruff of the neck by Yuri. “Told you you needed to work out more!” Yuri scolded, holding the strange dog like dark creature up with one arm. “Damn what an ugly looking creature! Pathetic too considering how easy it was to --”
BAM!! The creature slams into Yuri, throwing her backwards into a nearby wall. Shaking the attack off, Yuri pulls herself together and glares at the cocky dog like Darkling as it bounces back and forth in front of her in an almost arrogant manner.
“Got your second wind? Well I’ll knock that cockiness of yours down a few notches!“ Yuri cries out, even as the creature dashes forward, once again knocking her aside. As she rolls with the blow, regaining her footing, the creature laughs at her in it’s own way as it toys with her.
"Shit needs a time out." She hisses, pulling herself once again up onto her feet. BASH!! Not quickly enough she can’t avoid it’s next attack as it strikes quickly, slamming itself down near Yuri sending her skittering backwards. This time ready, Yuri easily dodges the flurry of strikes, but Kei can barely scurry out of the way before the claws rip the metal bars she was just leaning on to shreds.
“I'm OK!“ she cried out, rolling free and clear as the bars come crashing to the ground behind her, shattered and broken. “We have to catch that thing now!“
“I know! I know!” Yuri cries out in response, “Hold on!”
Yuri leaps forward, arms outstretched to try and snag the thing. The creature tries to avoid her, but just isn‘t quick enough. With a lunging grab, Yuri snags onto the beast and holds it tight, it‘s legs kicking as she struggles to bring it down. “NOW WHAT!!” she cries out, feeling the beast beginning to snap free from her grip.
Kei, holo-screens up, scans for information on Darklings. “Hold on, I’m
checking now…“
“CHECK FASTER!!“ Yuri screams, her grip slowly weakening on the thing.
The data screens spin by at a dizzying rate as Kei punch up screen after screen, quickly gathering information as she did, her eyes moving rapidly as she speed read everything before her. “It‘s a focused nightmare! A Darkling that is phobia specific! It solicits fear of dogs from the target in question. This means the best way to get rid of one is…”
“IS?!?” Yuri yells, struggling to hold the thing in her arms as it tries to wiggle itself free. “Finish the sentence!!”
Kei quickly jumps forward and looks about, “Need a newspaper.”
“NEWSPAPER?!?” Yuri shrieks, the beast wiggling harder and harder in her arms, making her grip loosen slowly, “THIS ISN’T THE TIME TO GET CAUGHT UP IN TODAY’S DILBERT STRIP!! HELP!!”
“Not what I’m looking for right now, maybe later.“ Kei cooly replies, finding a discarded paper to one side. Quickly she rolls it up and marches forward waving it menacingly, causing Yuri to step back, “Hey wait! What are you…”
Kei swings, hitting the dog thing on the head once, “BAD DOG!” she says in a firm voice. “Cough it up and go home!” The dog bares it’s fangs and growls, only to be met with a second whack on it’s head. “COUGH it up and go HOME!”
One more whack on it’s head and it’s face turns from angry to confused. Two more and it finally whimpers, head lolling from one side to another ashamed. “Ok. Put it down.” Kei asks, motioning with the paper that the dog thing should be released. Reluctantly Yuri does as she is told, and watches as the dog thing walks in circles a few times, and then proceed to “puke” up five cats and a kitten (asleep) before disappearing into the shadows.
“There’s kitty!” Kei whispers happily, picking up the little kitten and showing it to Yuri. “We got what we came for.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Yuri sighs, picking up the other five cats, “And more than that. I don’t know what compelled you to do what you did -- eww, these things are sticky with monster slobber!!”
As they left work a little earlier Kei noticed a small girl crying. When she asked what was wrong she said a thing stole her kitty from her. Sure enough the thing was nearby taunting the girl, and Kei immediately promised to get kitty back (leaping after the beast as it shoved kitty down it’s throat). Yuri, convinced the kitty was already dinner, ran after Kei trying to stop her. But Kei wouldn’t listen to a word she said, and ran recklessly after the thing until they caught up to it. “How did you know kitty was alive?”
Kei shrugged, blushing, “I didn’t! I figured we could just catch it and then pick up a new kitty for her on the way back!”
Yuri nearly faints, shock overwhelming her as she screamed “IF THAT WAS YOUR PLAN WE SHOULD HAVE GOT A NEW KITTY FROM THE WORD GO INSTEAD OF HUFFING OVER ROOFTOPS AFTER THIS -- THIS --” (?) “-- OW!!” (Yuri pulls at the cats in her arms, who were getting too “attached” to her as they mewled and meowed) “Damn things are clawing me! Ouch! Ouch!! Dammit! Stop it you evil fur -- OW!!”
Kei was already one step ahead of Yuri as she motions towards the stairs, “Let’s go return them to their owners. I already contacted them and they’ll meet us down at a nearby food court.”
“Yeah… yeah… ouch! Let’s get a box to put these things in…” Yuri grumbles, following Kei as she continues to try and make the cats stop clawing her, “Better yet, let’s get a sack to throw these mewling things in before they cut me to death -- if that‘s even possible considering I‘m already “dead“.” (stops) “How’d you contact their owners anyway?
We didn’t even have time to find out where that girl lived, let alone who these five evil hellspawn belong to… ouch… Heck, you don’t even know who owns them for crying out loud!”
“The web does!” and, with that, she pulls up a screen with the images of the cats, with the words “LOST - REWARD OFFERED” on each. “And we’ll go back to Realm Games because the girl is waiting for us there.”
Yuri, however, wasn‘t too thrilled. "Great. Think they’ll give us enough so I can pay for a medico healer on the way home? Ouch!! Damn things are going to scar me for “life” -- DAMMIT!! Ouch! Ouch… I hate my “life“."
Somehow all five cats slept through the wait for their owners to return, even with Yuri screeching “ouch” “ouch” “ouch” (and a long chain of obscenities) the whole time as they unconsciously groped and scratched her in their content sleep.
* * * * * *
If Yuri wasn’t too pleased with holding the cats, and ergo being clawed by them like a living breathing scratching post, she was in a far better mood once she picked up a medico healer from an Eternal Drug Store and the two were on the train back home.
For the longest time she held the shiny Credit Chip in her hands, staring at it endlessly, occasionally rubbing it against her face (once Kei convinced her that it wouldn’t damage the PlastiSteel card in anyway by doing so). “Do you know what this is? Do you?”
Kei, abit groggy from the capturing of the Darkling, only yawned. “It’s a Plastic/Steel hybrid data storage card akin to a credit card used for financial transaction. Invented in the year 2146 by…” (yawn)
“I want to eat the leftover spaghetti when we get home and fall asleep.”
“Sure. Sure.” Yuri absently muttered, waving off Kei’s lack of enthusiasm, “But it’s also MONEY! Credit! Dinero! Moolah! And all we had to do was drag down one itsy bitsy little “dog” thing for it!”
“You sure changed your tune suddenly.” Kei noted, eyes drooping abit, “Did the “dog” give you unliving rabies? You’re talking kinda funny and I don‘t know why… is it that time of the month again?”
Yuri frowns, shoving Kei once to get her attention focused (and to wake her up), “No the “doggy” didn’t give me rabies or PMS! The amount of credits they gave us for finding those cats were obscene! I mean if I knew doing something like that was so easy I’d be looking for lost cats day in and day out! It‘s easy money for nothing!”
Briefly the image of their apartment becoming a cat sanctuary, with Yuri
bringing home every stray she found and “ransoming” them back to their owners crossed Kei’s mind. She simply shrugged it off and said “It stops being a good thing when you just drag them home for money. Then it‘s illegal.” her head collapses against Yuri’s shoulder, a yawn on her lips, “Tell me about it tomorrow when I’m awake, and I care.”
Yuri, undaunted, continued. “I wasn’t thinking of bringing cats home on a regular basis (though now that I think of it it kinda sounds like… never mind)! Maybe once in awhile if we ever find one, sure, I mean I can live with that and-- hey! Wake up!” (shakes Kei again to get her partially awake) “Anyway I bring you home on a daily basis, and your more than enough pussy to clean after and feed on a daily basis.”
“-- hey --” Kei groans, too tired to argue. “So… what…?”
“So…” Yuri smirks, already taking the ball and running with it towards the inevitable conclusion, “Let’s make a job of this! We could make a mint off of this kind of work!”
“Kitties make me sleepy. Too much work.” Kei sighs, followed by another yawn. Yuri, however, would not be derailed so easily. “And here I thought you were the girl willing to climb any “mountain”!“ Yuri countered.
Kei looked at Yuri with her bleary eyes, and sighed one more time for good measure. “Tomorrow. Tonight feed me, bathe me, and fuck me -- in that order“ Kei mutters half awake, yawning once again.
“Don’t do that…“ Yuri complains, yawning as she does, “It’s contagious… Kei!” (pushes Kei a few times) “Stay focused on the big picture! I meant the trouble shooting thing! If people pay this much just for a cat being returned imagine how much they’ll pay for other easy to do things! Let’s offer our services as two hip hard working women ready to take on any job for the right price! Think of it!” (the gears in Yuri’s head spinning at Warp 7 as she thought of the possibilities)
“We’d finally be doing something RESPECTIBLE! No more counter work in some half-ass gaming store! We’d be doing cool ass shit like on TV! Get a nice car, drive around looking bad ass, getting lingerie models to give us threesomes! It could be ours! And to top it all off people will show us R-E-S-P-E-C-T! That more than anything makes me want to sing!”
Kei - “…please don’t sing…” (muttering half awake)
Yuri - “Not to mention the fact that people would pay us up the buttocks just to do simple things like find cats, or fix broken relationships, set the clock on their entertainment systems so it stops flashing 12:00 (which makes no sense since time doesn’t have much meaning here) or get them a raise or something! I mean we could be living the easy life just doing things people are too lazy to do themselves! We’d be rich!!”
Kei, too tired to argue, merely rubs her head against Yuri’s arm in a vain attempt to get comfortable. “Does that mean you’ll help boys too lazy to jerk off? I heard they‘re too lazy to do that some--” (yawn)
Briefly the horrible image of her last “john” trying to rape Kei comes to mind. “No way.” (smiles, nudging Kei back to being awake) “No more sex for money. It’ll all be totally straight up honest work! Now don’t fall asleep! I’m not carrying your ass back to the apartment -- again!”
“Meanie…” Kei grumbles.
* * * * * *
Kei, her muscles relaxing inside the huge bath in their mid sized bathroom, looked at Yuri (opposite of her) and sighed. “No more extra work talk!” she moaned, leaning her head back to stare at the ceiling. The bath was huge, which was abit awkward since the room consisted of a sink, a small shower area, a huge bath and that’s it. Apparently being “dead” had an advantage… no need for waste disposal since the body absorbed all “food” and turned it into energy.
Still all the food in the world wouldn’t make Yuri any better at long distance cross country track or more fit to jump from building to building to building. Still it did save time on trips to the bathroom.
“I think we should stick to consulting and trouble shooting, try not to take too many jobs that require a lot of running around.” Yuri remarked, already making mental plans in her head concerning the “future” of their “second job”. Kei simply ignored her and pushed the rubber duck of her’s around the tub waiting for her to get all of this out of her system. “Quack quack quack” she’d chime, pushing ducky around waiting and waiting … until Yuri finally grabbed ducky and sighed. “Alright! I get the point! No more business talk!” (sighs) “What now?”
Kei pushes Yuri back, a playful expression on her face as she reaches under the water, “No more talk! More fuck, less business!”
“That’s not entirely kos--” Yuri begins, her words failing her as Kei plunges two fingers into her sex. “Eek! Fuck kosher.” she moans, one hand grasping Kei’s hand, motioning for her to do it faster, her other hand sliding between Kei’s legs to return the favor.
Kei suddenly pushes back, out of Yuri’s range, wresting her hand free from her lover’s grip as she smiles, “I have a surprise for you!”
“WHAT? N-n-now? But I was just getting into it!!” Yuri cried. Kei shakes her head and motioned for Yuri to shut her eyes. “You’ll like this! Now close your eyes, spread your legs and trust me!”
Not feeling the urge to be argumentative, she did exactly what she was told. Seconds passed, nothing. She heard Kei swallow -- but nothing. Finally she felt Kei move into her arms, and a strap on at her private spot. Before she could act Kei fell forward, thrusting into her in one swoop. She cried out, nearly falling into the water at the shock. Kei thrusting awkwardly as she splashed.
“GODDESS KEI SLOW DOWN!!” Yuri screamed.
“I’m slipping!” Kei cried out, “I’m trying to -- there!” (finally gets set) “-- oh fuck too late --” she groans, and goes back to slamming her hard. Yuri, the idea of finesse and ease gone, simply gave herself up to Kei fully and without complaint. It felt too damn good to argue about it at this point.
The soap made their skin feel super soft, so that each stroke sent never before felt sensations shotgunning through them, they were in heaven. Kei gasped as her moment hit, Yuri’s moment not far behind as she came along with her lover, both crying out as they released their pleasures together. Kei falls forward into Yuri’s waiting arms, the two cuddling tightly as Kei gasps for breath. “That -- was -- good.” she sighed.
Yuri smiled, her breath already returned. “Now it’s my turn.”
Before Kei could resist, Yuri shoves her back, Kei’s arms blindly lashing out to grab the tubs sides before she fell into the water, her bottoms coming up towards Yuri’s face. “Wait I’m not ready yet!!” she cried.
Yuri’s mouth nimbly engulfed her “womanhood”, sucking it madly. Kei’s grip weakens as she feels new tidal waves of hot pleasure roar through her body. Yuri’s hands grope around Kei’s bottom, only for her to stop. “W-wh-what!!” Kei groans, hot and bothered by Yuri’s ministrations.
“There’s no str -- WHAT THE FUCK!!”
Yuri just noticed that Kei wasn’t wearing a strap on. Kei, however, was too far gone to talk story now. “GET OUT!!”
“LIE DOWN!! I GOTTA CUM!!” she screamed, “It’s going to vanish soon!! Please I just gotta do it NOW!! I want to cum between your tits! Please!!”
Obediently Yuri quickly gets out of the tub, lying down on the floor using a towel as a bathmat. Kei stumbles out, quickly jumping on top of Yuri, grabbing her breasts and shoving her dick in between them. With a harsh yelp she thrusts herself in, her dick shuddering as she begins to flick her hips back and forth quickly. “Please cum! Please cum! Please cum! Please cum!”
Yuri leans forward, her tongue lashing the tip of Kei’s “womanhood” as it thrusts over and over again, until at last her breath freezes, her hips stop as she feels it about to happen. Yuri grabs Kei and quickly pushes her back onto the tub, kneeling before her, breasts squeezed tight, as she rams her tits up and down over and over until Kei shudders one more time and comes.
From the tip of her “femalehood” a thick spurt of female cum shoots out, and again and again, until at last it falls limply down and changes back to her womanly sex. Kei feels her love’s strong arms scoop her up, and carry her to bed. “Where’d you get that?” she asked quietly.
“Not now --” Kei moans, her strength gone, “-- tomorrow --”
Yuri nods her head, kissing Kei once firmly on the lips as their bed opens before them, the two falling into their soft sheets and into a deep sleep.
This Weekend
Of Furries and Yiffings Preview (since there is already HSWC content here to preview).